25 Adoptable Dogs You Could Take Home Today From Cincinnati Animal CARE for Just $25 (2024)

Cincinnati Animal CARE Humane Society, which recently took over Hamilton County's Northside shelter (formerly operated by the SPCA), is offering $25 dog adoptions until 6 p.m. on April 15 due to an influx of canine take-ins.Media and community relations manager Ray Anderson says the shelter welcomed 35 dogs over the course of 24 hours, so they are lowering their typical adoption fee of $75 to $25 in hopes of helping them find their homes."To put that in perspective, we consider 10 dogs coming in to be a bad day; this is more than a third of our capacity in a single day. In order to maintain our strict one dog per kennel policy, we need adoptions and fosters today," a Facebook post from the shelter reads."Every county in Ohio has one county shelter and if you live in Cincinnati/Hamilton County, Cincinnati Animal CARE is your shelter," Anderson told CityBeat. "Every stray dog in the city comes through our doors and we can make them as comfortable as possible, but these are companion animals who belong in a home. We've made numerous upgrades to the old Northside facility, our dogs have more space with our one dog per kennel policy and our expanded play yards, but at the end of the day, they need to go home. If you can't adopt, please consider fostering!"The temporarily discounted $25 adoption fee is only applicable to dogs ages six months and older, and appointments aren't necessary.For more information about adopting or fostering, and to see the full list of adoptable dogs, visit cincinnatianimalcare.org

Photos by Cincinnati Animal CARE Shelter


  • $25 adoptable dogs,
  • adoptable cincinnati pets,
  • adoptable dogs,
  • cincinnati animal care,
  • cincinnati care,
  • dog adoptions,
  • dog rescues

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25 Adoptable Dogs You Could Take Home Today From Cincinnati Animal CARE for Just $25 (1)

Cincinnati Animal CARE Shelter


Age: 1 Year Old / Breed: Terrier, American Pit Bull Mix / Sex: Male / Size: Medium

25 Adoptable Dogs You Could Take Home Today From Cincinnati Animal CARE for Just $25 (2)

Cincinnati Animal CARE Shelter


Age: 6 months / Breed: Hound Mix / Sex: Female / Size: Medium

1 of 25

25 Adoptable Dogs You Could Take Home Today From Cincinnati Animal CARE for Just $25 (3)

Cincinnati Animal CARE Shelter

Cheese Sticks

Age: 6 Years Old / Breed: Retriever, Labrador Mix / Sex: Male / Size: Large

2 of 25

25 Adoptable Dogs You Could Take Home Today From Cincinnati Animal CARE for Just $25 (4)

Cincinnati Animal CARE Shelter

3 of 25

25 Adoptable Dogs You Could Take Home Today From Cincinnati Animal CARE for Just $25 (5)

Cincinnati Animal CARE Shelter

Tooth Pick

Age: 1 Year Old / Breed: Terrier Mix / Sex: Male / Size: Small

4 of 25

25 Adoptable Dogs You Could Take Home Today From Cincinnati Animal CARE for Just $25 (6)

Cincinnati Animal CARE Shelter


Age: 7 Months / Breed: Terrier, American Staffordshire Mix / Sex: Male / Size: Small

6 of 25

25 Adoptable Dogs You Could Take Home Today From Cincinnati Animal CARE for Just $25 (7)

Cincinnati Animal CARE Shelter


Age: 2 Years Old / Breed: Terrier, American Pit Bull Mix / Sex: Female / Size: Medium

7 of 25

25 Adoptable Dogs You Could Take Home Today From Cincinnati Animal CARE for Just $25 (8)

Cincinnati Animal CARE Shelter

Shortbread Cookie

Age: 2 Years Old / Breed: Terrier, American Pit Bull Mix / Sex: Female / Size: Medium

8 of 25

25 Adoptable Dogs You Could Take Home Today From Cincinnati Animal CARE for Just $25 (9)

Cincinnati Animal CARE Shelter


Age: 1 Year Old / Breed: Terrier, American Pit Bull Mix / Sex: Female / Size: Medium

9 of 25

25 Adoptable Dogs You Could Take Home Today From Cincinnati Animal CARE for Just $25 (10)

Cincinnati Animal CARE Shelter


Age: 2 Years Old / Breed: Terrier, American Pit Bull/Boxer / Sex: Male / Size: Medium

10 of 25

25 Adoptable Dogs You Could Take Home Today From Cincinnati Animal CARE for Just $25 (11)

Cincinnati Animal CARE Shelter


Age: 2 Years Old / Breed: Rottweiler Mix / Sex: Male / Size: Large

11 of 25

25 Adoptable Dogs You Could Take Home Today From Cincinnati Animal CARE for Just $25 (12)

Cincinnati Animal CARE Shelter


Age: 2 Years Old / Breed: Mastiff/Rottweiler / Sex: Male / Size: Large

12 of 25

25 Adoptable Dogs You Could Take Home Today From Cincinnati Animal CARE for Just $25 (13)

Cincinnati Animal CARE Shelter

Sticky Paws

Age: 2 Years Old / Breed: Hound Mix / Sex: Female / Size: Medium

13 of 25

25 Adoptable Dogs You Could Take Home Today From Cincinnati Animal CARE for Just $25 (14)

Cincinnati Animal CARE Shelter


Age: 2 Years Old / Breed: Retriever, Labrador/Beagle / Sex: Male / Size: Medium

14 of 25

25 Adoptable Dogs You Could Take Home Today From Cincinnati Animal CARE for Just $25 (15)

Cincinnati Animal CARE Shelter


Age: 3 Years Old / Breed: Beagle Mix / Sex: Male / Size: Medium

15 of 25

25 Adoptable Dogs You Could Take Home Today From Cincinnati Animal CARE for Just $25 (16)

Cincinnati Animal CARE Shelter


Age: 4 Years Old / Breed: Terrier, American Pit Bull Mix / Sex: Male / Size: Medium

16 of 25

25 Adoptable Dogs You Could Take Home Today From Cincinnati Animal CARE for Just $25 (17)

Cincinnati Animal CARE Shelter


Age: 2 Years Old / Breed: Terrier, American Pit Bull Mix / Sex: Male / Size: Medium

17 of 25

25 Adoptable Dogs You Could Take Home Today From Cincinnati Animal CARE for Just $25 (18)

Cincinnati Animal CARE Shelter


Age: 2 Years Old / Breed: Terrier, American Pit Bull Mix / Sex: Female / Size: Medium

18 of 25

25 Adoptable Dogs You Could Take Home Today From Cincinnati Animal CARE for Just $25 (19)

Cincinnati Animal CARE Shelter


Age: 1 Year Old / Breed: Boxer Mix / Sex: Male / Size: Large

19 of 25

25 Adoptable Dogs You Could Take Home Today From Cincinnati Animal CARE for Just $25 (20)

Cincinnati Animal CARE Shelter


Age: 4 Years Old / Breed: Terrier, American Pit Bull Mix / Sex: Male / Size: Large

20 of 25

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25 Adoptable Dogs You Could Take Home Today From Cincinnati Animal CARE for Just $25 (2024)
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Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

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Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.