understanding draconic charts (2024)

This was another finger breaking post, maybe because my fingers are already tired. I am starting another diploma in astrology very soon so I would not have much time to post at all, so I am trying to post some good information that should help someone :)

history and significance:

Ok, so some people think of draconic charts as something related to past lives. Something we have carried from our past, while some people simply believe it is the chart of soul.

In traditional western astrology, the meanings some people relate it to, become different, in modern western astrology they are different again, and then there comes a significant difference when we see them from a vedic pov

draconic, is talking about dragon. The head of the dragon (North Node or Rahu) is benefic in traditional western astrology while the Tail of dragon was considered malefic and a nature of mars and saturn as to what Guido Bonnati says in his book Tractaurus Territus.

However, contrary to any such difference of nature made in traditional astrology, modern astrologer dane rudhyar, rather talks about the north node as mouth of the dragon, so something that we need to eat (or learn and consume) while the tail of dragon as evacuatory organ and something that we are supposed to leave behind

Vedic astrology, however, does this classification very much differently. The Rahu, is a significance of material wealth, mysticism, fear, confusion while Ketu represents spirituality, Rahu is the head of a demon, and not really a dragon and ketu is the torso of the same demon, Swarbhanu who disguised himself into the line of the hindu gods, devas, to get amrit or the nectar that makes one immortal. Vishnu, was the one distributing the nectar disguised as Mohini, a beautiful women, and as soon as he paid attention that it is actually a disguised demon drinking the amrit, he sent his chakra to disassociate his head from his body in an attempt to stop him, but the nectar already went down his throat making him immortal. Hence, this is why his body is still said to be revolving in the celeste and the cause of solar and lunar eclipses, especially in natal charts when it tightly aspects or conjuncts either Sun or Moon, the effects of which is another topic of discussion for someday else.

coming back, you can see how different each meanings are in different perspectives, but for today, we will be seeing how can your draconic chart affect you as a person.

how are they calculated:

Draconic charts are made by setting North Node in Aries/South Node in Libra at zero degrees and hence adjusting other celestial bodies in your chart accordingly. The zero degrees is probably to imply the starting of your soul's journey.

if you are interested to know the mathematical calculation, you basically subtract the degree of your natal North Node from other degrees of your planets.

let us see an example to calculate draconic sun

NORTH NODE = 28° 10' 30" CANCER (118° 10' 30")

TROPICAL SUN = 9° 39'47" VIRGO (159° 39' 47")

DRACONIC SUN = 159° 39' 47" -118°10' 30"= 41°29' 17" = 11° 29' 17" TAURUS (i am assuming you guys are aware of calculations done in degrees and minutes :) )


the chart is based very closely on the moon since the nodes create the chart so in a normal natal chart the nodes are called the nodes of the Moon and it's because the nodes are determined based on where the sun meets the moon on the ecliptic. So if you imagine the orbit of the sun and the orbit of the moon they cross at two points and those become the nodes and they're always opposite of each other they never move one faster than the other they are always synchronized.

so interpret your draconic chart elements as if they were conjunct to the moon.

Look below:

Compared to how our natal chart focuses on sun, the draconic is more focused on moon. So for example, if you have a Taurus Moon in draconic and a Pisces Sun in natal, your Taurus energy emotions would be expressed through your Pisces Sun.

It is important to remember everyone's North Node and South Node is in Aries and Libra in draconic, while different in natal chart. We should also keep in mind to pay extra attention to the conjunctions moon and nodes makes (it shows heightened energy) and oppositions (it shows challenges)

Draconic charts more so show our shadow, subconscious self (just like the moon), things and behaviors that may not be suspected in our natal chart, things we do for no reason at times.

Interpretation of planets:

while it would not be possible to cover each and every method of interpretation for draconic charts, I would try to explain as much as possible.

The Draconic Sun: your true light and soul essence

The Draconic Moon: your soul's desire and seat of the soul

The Draconic Ascendant: the way your soul approaches its lifetimes

The Draconic Descendant: the relationships you seek; reflection of your soul

The Draconic IC: your soul's beliefs/truths

The Draconic MC: your soul's mission/purpose

The Draconic Mercury: how your soul communicates through to you; input information

The Draconic Venus: how you feel loved and show love; your values

The Draconic Mars: your passion and what gets you excited

The Draconic Jupiter: your spiritual connection; exploring and learning

The Draconic Saturn: your soul's structure and what restricts it; karma

The Draconic Uranus: your soul's originality and quirks

The Draconic Neptune: your hidden shadows

The Draconic Pluto: your personal power and healing abilities; taboo traits

basically, everything, but from a soul's prespective.

Let us take Joe Biden's chart for example.

tropical and draconic

the tropical natal chart’s Ascendant ruler in the 8th house points to transformative and especially power related themes in his external life, while the Draconic Ascendant ruler in Cancer suggests a spiritual emphasis on nurturing, emotional sensitivity, and connections to home and family in his soul’s journey.This placement implies that his higher purpose and karmic connections may revolve around caring for others, exploring the mysteries of his roots, and deepening emotional connections. (credits: medium.com)

now again you interpret the signs the same way, but just fold things into what your soul and inner shadows want, and what your automatic feelings and behaviors could mean because there are aspects that become hidden in the natal chart but are seen further in the draconic charts.

for example, oprah winfrey's draconic moon is in aquarius and she indeed someone who is into NGOs, chatitable work and all that kind of stuff.

going beyond mundane interpretations

So when we superimpose both the natal and draconic charts, the angles, planets and houses that the draconic chart makes to our natal, can provide reasons for our conscious behaviors and what comes from "our prior conditioning"

let us see an example. Margret Atwood. She is a Canadian Writer. Looking at her chart, can you guess what kind of things she must write?

her venus and mercury both are in 7th house in Sagittarius, so should it not be happy go lucky things? optimistic or even say, religious things? No she instead writes on feminism, power and politics.

Let us see her draconic chart

what do we see folks? her ascendant is in scorpio, alright makes sense. And the ruler of her draconic Ascendant, pluto lies in her third and her draconic mars conjuncts her natal pluto, which further drives her to take initiatives on these kinds of things, since pluto alone in 3rd could also cause wanting to hide such things or probably not being so strong and upfront about it.

also see her draconic mercury and venus lie so near to her natal Uranus, so say rebelling through writing and arts. You can see the covers of her books and they are indeed like so.

So basically, whatever houses our draconic charts coincide with, it becomes an important point of attention to us.

Let us see the chart of BTS Jungkook:

his draconic MC is on overlapping his IC. and we know Jungkook has been giving auditions and became a trainee when he was really young. His career started when he was child basically.

there are many more of observations I see, but we are not specifically doing his chart analysis so we will move on

The house that our draconic/tropical 12th and tropical/draconic 12th overlap to, those houses can show where we may see struggles in.

let us see angelina jolie for example

her tropical 12th house coincides with her draconic 8th, and we know she did and does struggle with depression, mental health and such issues in her life. Even more beautiful, her both tropical and draconic MC are in each others 5th house, and she is indeed working in the entertainment industry.

Stephen hawkings had this overlap in his 6th house, and his health was indeed something that troubled him for the time he lived

we can also predict life events through transitory draconic charts, but it will get a little over head and advanced so we will not be covering it. Covid, Kobe Bryant's accident and some other things were predicted through transitory draconic charts. You can also see karmic relationships and your goals as souls together or what you invoke deeply in each other through draconic synastry charts. People have used this for multiple celeb couples, including Former Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

Astrologer Maria Blaquier during her workshop at Kepler School for draconic charts says, that we can relate more to our south node moon at times, and I would want a few of you to confim this too!! For example, if you have a moon in Taurus in draconic, it becomes a moon in scorpio as a south node moon.

However, she further said that a few of her clients tend to say that they used to previously embody their south node moon and now relate to the nn moon, so this relates more to the modern astrological point of nodes that we discussed at the start.

i would also suggest paying close attention to tight aspects and conjuctions between your draconic and natal planets. Let us see an example from my friend's chart.

she has her draconic sun really tightly aspecting her natal Neptune, and no matter what happens, she is never interested in hitting someone back even when they do her wrong, and is very spiritual by nature.

now let us see how her natal pluto and draconic moon are at very close orbs, and she is indeed someone who is explosive and destructive when she is mad, or running high on emotions, her natal chart have littlest to no evidence of having this kind of rage.

I hope you all enjoyed this post.

paid readings are open xoxo

understanding draconic charts (2024)


What does a draconic chart mean? ›

We have concluded that the Draconic chart can be categorised as karmic, spiritual and unconscious, with possible connections to reincarnation. It pinpoints those we draw close to us in our lifetimes, to resolve unconscious issues , which in turn connects to our state of physical and emotional health.

What is the draconic chart karma? ›

The Draconic chart is believed to represent the soul's evolutionary journey and can provide insight into past lives and karmic patterns. It is considered to be a more spiritual and karmic chart, as it shows the underlying energies and patterns that are operating beneath the surface of the natal chart.

What is the draconic system in astrology? ›

Draconic astrology is an ancient, little-known system which sets out to identify an individual's spiritual purpose(s) and challenges. Most people at some point ask the question: 'What is my life purpose?

What is the draconic sun? ›

While the Tropical or Sidereal Sun Signs in our natal charts reflect our personality, ego, and conscious desires, the Draconic Sun Sign delves deeper, revealing the core essence of our soul and the spiritual lessons we are meant to learn in this lifetime.

What does draconic bloodline mean? ›

Draconic bloodline sorcerers were those practitioners of the arcane arts who had some biological connection with dragons, either through their own relations or those of their forebears. I have the blood of dragons flowing through my veins. I am destined for greatness.

What are draconic characteristics? ›

This may encompass physical features, such as scales, wings, claws, or a dragon's distinctive shape. Additionally, it could refer to behavioral traits or characteristics traditionally associated with dragons, such as wisdom, strength, or a sense of majesty.

What is the best draconic bloodline? ›

High Half-Elf is the best race choice for the Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer in Baldur's Gate 3 because you gain an extra Cantrip, Fey Ancestry, Darkvision, and Shield Proficiency. A secondary choice is the Human because you gain increased carrying capacity, skill proficiency, and shield proficiency as well.

What is the draconic aura senses? ›

Senses: This aura grants you a bonus on Listen checks, Spot checks, and initiative checks. Stamina: This aura grants you a bonus on Constitution checks (but not Constitution-based skill checks) and Fortitude saves. Swiftness: This aura grants you a bonus on Climb, Jump, and Swim checks.

What is a draconic spirit? ›

The draconic spirit has the physical form of a Large dragon, and is corporeal. It says so in the spell description: You call forth a draconic spirit. It manifests in an unoccupied space that you can see within range. This corporeal form uses the Draconic Spirit stat block. (...)

What is the draconic magic language? ›

Draconic is a language which has been spoken by dragons since prehistoric times. It is one of the most ancient of mortal languages, and is widely used as the lingua franca of wizards. A less elegant form of the language is spoken by the reptilian kobolds.

What is the draconic moon cycle? ›

The point where the Moon's path crosses the ecliptic is called a node, and it takes the Moon 27 days, 5 hours, and 6 minutes to travel from a node back around to the same node. This time period is known as the draconic month.

What are draconic traditions? ›

Customs and Traditions

Everyday things that a draconic person is expect to do is: Look one in the eye or visor when speaking, speak your mind, respected everyone as they diserved, paid debts, took your shoes off when entering a house, never abused anyone, followed the law and never made a pass at anyone.

What is the draconic chart for? ›

Draconic charts represent your soul. The North Node has been set to 0 degrees Aries. Aries is a sign that is more about yourself. It is you before you were born.

What is the Chiron in the draconic chart? ›

The Draconic Chiron - this is the soul's wound. This is how we have been wounded at a soul-level, in this lifetime and in others. This wound cuts to our core, while the natal Chiron may feel more like a wound to the personality.

What is the draconic symbol for death? ›

Chronepsis is the dragon deity of Fate, Death, and Judgment. His symbol is an unblinking draconic eye.

What does it mean to be draconic? ›

(dreɪˈkɒnɪk ) adjective. of, like, or relating to a dragon.

What is the meaning of draconic year? ›

The draconic year, draconitic year, eclipse year, or ecliptic year is the time taken for the Sun (as seen from the Earth) to complete one revolution with respect to the same lunar node (a point where the Moon's orbit intersects the ecliptic).

What is the meaning of astral chart? ›

Definition of 'astrological chart'

1. the prediction of a person's future based on a comparison of the zodiacal data for the time of birth with the data from the period under consideration. 2.

What is draconic period? ›

The draconitic period (also draconic period or nodal period), is the time that elapses between two passages of the object through its ascending node, the point of its orbit where it crosses the ecliptic from the southern to the northern hemisphere.

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