V Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (2024)

V Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (1)V Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (2)

1000s of Customers Love V Shred…And Their Results! Check out these V Shred reviews and testimonials!

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V Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (7)

V Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (8)

[ “I did the Fat Loss Extreme… from August to November and I lost 17 pounds, which is pretty incredible considering I’ve tried so many other things”

Amy T.V Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (9)

V Shred Review: “A drunk driver almost took my life, I survived and then transformed my body with V Shred!”

V Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (10)

V Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (11)

“I did Ripped in 90 days three times and lost 53 pounds, I got the customized meal plan that was a game changer right there and then the supplements on top of it.”

Brandon H.V Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (12)

V Shred Review: “I got rid of my Dad Bod and got shredded with the V Shred program!”

V Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (13)

I started this program on September 1, 2022. My trainer is awesome. She really cares about my goals and how to help me reach them. She returns my emails very quickly. If you are committed to getting healthy, this program is a great start. I needed a strategy and they provided that for me along with what supplements/nutrients would benefit me. The meal plans are great and if there is something you do not like, my trainer works with me to get something I do like to take its place. They goal is to help you reach your goals and they really care about that.

Diana S.V Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (14)

V Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (15)

I can't say enough good things about my experience with V Shred. I've had trouble losing weight in the past because there was no real accountability or help. Having a trainer that you can text at anytime and literally ask anything is awesome! They make meal plans, some specific meals and some guidelines so you can eat whatever you want in those guidelines. Specific work outs tailored just for you. There's weekly check ins with stats and pics so they can monitor your progress and tweak things here and there, and it also helps you, letting you actually see progress...

Brian S.V Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (16)

V Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (17)

V Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (18)

“...I think everybody can do this and it's absolutely worth giving it a try if you're serious and interested in trying to get healthier, get trimmer, whatever, go for it."

Char A.V Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (19)

V Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (20)

V Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (21)

“RIP 90 totally exceeded my expectations, like I went into this wanting to lose 10, 15 pounds max. I lost twenty five pounds. I've got a six pack now.”

Chris K.V Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (22)

V Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (23)

I am over 50 and have struggled with weight loss - the detailed menu and workout are just what I needed. I love it. It is working. I love that I have access to my coach whenever I need her. She always responds quickly and answers all of my questions. This is the best thing I have done for myself. Wish I would have started long ago.

Jen M.V Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (24)

V Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (25)

I joined V Shred a couple of weeks ago so I can get help to lose weight. I signed up because I really don't know what I'm doing with diet and exercise to help my weight loss journey and since starting with my personal trainer he has made it so much easier for me to prepare the right foods and have a good exercise program. I highly recommend V shred if you want to have fun while losing weight!

Joanne S.V Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (26)

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V Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (27)

I joined V Shred a couple of weeks ago so I can get help to lose weight. I signed up because I really don't know what I'm doing with diet and exercise to help my weight loss journey and since starting with my personal trainer he has made it so much easier for me to prepare the right foods and have a good exercise program. I highly recommend V shred if you want to have fun while losing weight!

Joanne S.V Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (28)

V Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (29)

V Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (30)

“It’s so simple. I’ve been on the program for two and a half months now. I’m 11 months into my Female Fat Loss Extreme, and I’ve lost 14 pounds and inches fell off… “I feel better. I have way more energy”

Crystal M.V Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (31)

V Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (32)

V Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (33)

“I've used the V Shred Fat Loss Extreme Program and the Ripped in 90 Days program and, yeah, I got some serious abs. I feel good, I feel great, I feel healthy, it's awesome.”

Ben M.V Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (34)

V Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (35)

Having a coach who in involved is such a game changer. Dennis C not only answers my 100 questions a week but he breaks it all down so it's understandable. I've tried so many weight loss plans but VShred is where it's at. Progress is progress. I would 100% recommend Dennis as a coach and the VShred program!!

Lisa S.V Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (36)

V Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (37)

I can honestly say this has been one of the best experiences that I have completed in my life. Colton has guided throughout the whole process. He made me accountable for everything and do you know what happened? RESULTS!!In 4 months, I went from 200.5 lb 30.1 %BF to 171.3 19.9 %BF!!!! Are you kidding me!!!!VShred has changed my outlook on life. I can't wait to see what my health looks like in the future!!!!

Brad H.V Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (38)

V Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (39)

V Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (40)

Thank you VShred for helping me to take charge of my life and my habits.Following FLE and T90 I have managed to change the way I look and the way I feel about myself.I have gone from a life of Netflix and junk food to a life of CrossFit and hiking in the mountains.Go for it ladies.With hard work and determination you can all reach your goals

Terese R.V Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (41)

V Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (42)

Well..... I did it!!! Toned in 90 Days complete!!! Thank you V-Shred!! And thank you to all of you beautiful ladies. This group is amazing and has helped me so much. I set 3 small goals and reached them all. I feel so much stronger and I know I have toned up lots Now to set new goals and keep going and see what else I can accomplish. I was in a funk at the start of the year and wanted to make some serious changes with myself. I am going to be 40 this year and I want to rock it!!! I am so proud of how far I've come. I have lost 15lbs and 26.5 inches from all over my body.

Natasha C.V Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (43)

V Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (44)

V Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (45)

V Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (46)

Proof that when you commit to the Vshred lifestyle it always works. Stay strong ladies!!! Love yourself and never falter. We are the artist that must constantly be chipping away at our set in stone habits to reveal the beautiful statue within. Vshred is our etching tool, Never put it down. Let's use our resources wisely and forever!!!

Zabrina B.V Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (47)

V Shred Review: "Busy Mom Zabrina Loses 53 Pounds in 90 Days!"

Get REAL Results, Fast!

Take our FREE Body Type Quiz and find out what foods and exercises are right for your body type


V Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (48)

Let's just start off with how much I Love thisVShred program, Custom meal plans, supplements, and Amazing trainers! I couldn't have done it without them and this Super Supportive Group of Awesome Ladies on here!@I have went from a size 14 to a 4 in a little over 6 months. I still don't recognize the person in the mirror sometimes.I'm way more confident, energetic, healthier, fit, then I have ever been in my life. If this 53 year old can do it, then so can you.I have done 2 rounds of FLE and I'm currently doing Toned in 90 days. I'm 5 lbs away from hitting my goal. I drink a gallon of water a day and take Burn Evolved, Burn PM and apple cider vinegar gummies.SW 195 CW 150GW 1456 months of Transformation!6You got this I'm rooting for ya Ladies!

Jennifer W.V Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (49)

V Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (50)

V Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (51)

I could not be happier with this program and with my trainer, Josh! He is knowledgeable, compassionate, encouraging and has responded in a most timely manner to any concern, question or request for assistance that I have had. I am in my third week and have lost 10 pounds and am thrilled! I love having my menu plan given to me to follow-and if there is something I don't care for, I simply use my swap list to alter. I have Josh as my trainer for a three month period and am so grateful to be working with him on my journey to be healthy again!

Jane H.V Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (52)

V Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (53)

I am so excited that I stumbled across this program! I have been struggling to loose weight that has crept on in the last 7 years since having my babies. My trainer Lili is so amazing! She responds to my emails almost immediately, even on weekends and evenings. She keeps me accountable and has been great at customizing my meal plan to my tastes! My husband also purchased the same plan and Lili even matched up our meals! She also gives me small tips and goals each week!

Lisa R.V Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (54)

V Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (55)V Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (56)V Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (57)V Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (58)

V Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (59)

The Fat loss extreme program took commitment but was the best thing I ever could have found! The workouts were straight forward, organized and realistic within my time as a wife, mom, and professional. People now look at me and say, in surprise, "you have 4 kids!?" Yes, yes I do! Thank you Vshred for changing this Mama's life!

Jodi H.V Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (60)

V Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (61)

So my experience with VSHRED has been amazing. Zechariah my trainer has made this the best experience I could ever ask for. When I first started I was a skeptic and didn't believe that eating more food could get me the body wanted. Well, that's not all it was, Zech showed me so much more.

Tommy C.V Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (62)

Get REAL Results, Fast!

Take our FREE Body Type Quiz and find out what foods and exercises are right for your body type


V Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (63)

V Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (64)

I started the program in August 2022. My start weight was 185.5 pounds and now I am 146.2 pounds consistently! My original goal weight was 170 pounds because "I was supposed to be big" and "I have big bones."In 2019, I was 280 pounds. It's been a long journey, but here I am almost 4 years later and almost half the woman I was then. But what I've lost in weight, I've gained in confidence, knowledge, joy, energy, and self-love.I got to 185.5 doing restrictive diets and hating food and myself for wanting food. VShred found me at my deepest plateau and binge eating/diet cycle.

Brittany S.V Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (65)

V Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (66)

It's been a month using the elite program and I'm down 7.5 lbs and I look and feel so much better! I never thought I'd see results this quickly especially around the holidays. 10/10 recommend for anyone who struggles with weight loss and dieting. It's not a fad diet, it's not a bunch of non working "magic pills". It's real food and a scientific model behind how the meals are selected for your day to make your body do all the work! My trainer Alexis has done a wonderful job putting in my meal plan all the foods I like-broccoli chicken Alfredo, Buffalo chicken dip, burrito bowls, steak, burgers, potatoes...

Danielle S.V Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (67)

V Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (68)

I have been been with V-Shred for 6 weeks, and have lost close to 20 lbs. Highly recommend this to anyone who is looking to lose weight. My trainer Andy is amazing he works with me and helps me reach my goals. Give it a try and you won't be disappointed!! Thanks V-Shred

JoeV Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (69)

Get REAL Results, Fast!

Take our FREE Body Type Quiz and find out what foods and exercises are right for your body type


V Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (70)

I have been been with V-Shred for 6 weeks, and have lost close to 20 lbs. Highly recommend this to anyone who is looking to lose weight. My trainer Andy is amazing he works with me and helps me reach my goals. Give it a try and you won't be disappointed!! Thanks V-Shred

JoeV Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (71)

V Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (72)

V Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (73)

I am very pleased with the progress of the ripped in 90 days program. started the journey on March 31. Here is an update at the 30 day ish mark. #Vshred

Joel B.V Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (74)

V Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (75)

V Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (76)

Well it's now been 20 months since I began the RI90 program. What I thought might be temporary condition, has actually proved to be quite easily sustainable by simply maintaining discipline to the program...

Paul C.V Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (77)

Results may vary, some customers extend their 12-week training program and use multiple programs to achieve their results. For typical results of our programs see our testimonial support page.

  • Amy’s V Shred Review
  • Ryan’s V Shred Review
  • Summer’s V Shred Review
  • Danielle’s V Shred Review
  • Leo’s V Shred Review
  • Iolee’s V Shred Review
  • Conrad’s V Shred Review
  • Keira’s V Shred Review
  • Emily’s V Shred Review
  • Rich’s V Shred Review
  • Renae’s V Shred Review
  • Zabrina’s V Shred Review
  • Christina’s V Shred Review
  • Brandon’s V Shred Review
  • Megan’s V Shred Review
  • Lisa’s V Shred Review
V Shred Reviews - Real Reviews from 1000s of Customers (2024)


Does the V Shred program actually work? ›

To summarize, although VShred does link to studies in marketing material and point to its glowing testimonials as evidence that their diet works, the bulk of that research is preliminary and inconclusive. And, as of yet, no clinical research has been done on the VShred diet specifically.

What is the cost of V Shred? ›

Order Summary
Sales Tax:$0.00

What is the V Shred secret to losing weight? ›

As well as a whole lot of talk about three secrets that will instantly make the weight loss process “super fast, simple, and easy.” If you're wondering what the V Shred secret is…it's to stop starving yourself, utilize carb cycling, and stop doing cardio and start doing HIIT.

How did Kelly Clarkson lose weight? ›

Kelly said she changed her diet.

Kelly shared with People that she's re-vamped her diet, and is focusing on eating lots of protein. “I eat a healthy mix,” she said. “I dropped weight because I've been listening to my doctor—a couple years I didn't.

How much weight did you lose on 30 day shred? ›

In general, a person weighing around 150 pounds (68 kg), who is of average fitness, can expect to burn 200–300 calories per workout on the 30 Day Shred. This equals about 2.5 pounds (1.1 kg) lost per month from exercise alone ( 6 ).

What is the theory behind VShred? ›

The diet is primarily constructed around one fundamental concept: That your body type should determine what you should eat. More specifically, VShred builds its meal plans around three body types: Endomorphs: People who naturally have higher amounts of fat and muscle.

What do you eat on a shred diet? ›

What can I eat and drink? Water Unlimited animal protein (every meal) Unlimited cruciferous vegetables (every meal) Increase healthy fats with every meal (coconut oil, any kind of nut (except peanuts), organic butter, olive oil, etc.)

What is the number 1 exercise to lose weight? ›

1. Aerobic Exercises. Walking is considered one of the best weight loss exercises. Walking at a fast pace is a great exercise for burning calories.

What are the 5 foods that burn belly fat? ›

Five foods that may help burn belly fat include:
  • foods with soluble fiber like fruits, vegetables, and legumes.
  • foods with protein like meat, fish, eggs, and dairy.
  • fatty fish like tuna and salmon.
  • foods with probiotics like yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and kimchi.
  • green tea.

How to lose 50 pounds in 3 months? ›

Losing 50 Pounds Fast
  1. Keep track of your calorie intake for a week. Next week, try to eat 500 fewer calories per day.
  2. Eat small meals throughout the day rather than three large meals. ...
  3. Aim for 5-7 hours of exercise a week doing a physical activity you enjoy.

Does the 2 week shred challenge work? ›

Can I really get abs in two weeks? It depends on a number of factors. The leaner you start out this challenge the higher the chances you'll be able to see strong definition in the ab area. Most people won't get the shredded defined abs look in 2 weeks, but this does not mean you won't develop your ab muscles.

Is metabolic confusion a real thing? ›

The metabolic confusion diet is also known as calorie cycling and calorie shifting. It's a dieting style that allows you to alternate between high calorie and low calorie days or periods of time. It also recommends regular exercise, though it doesn't have strict exercise requirements.

Is carb cycling effective? ›

Anecdotally, carb cycling may be able to help people lose weight. However, there is currently no scientific research that suggests carb cycling is more or less effective for weight loss than other diets.

Do fat burners work for shredding? ›

There's no evidence that fat-burning pills or supplements can effectively burn fat. But they do typically contain ingredients that won't hurt you in small doses when taken alone. Some are even proven to help burn fat when they're consumed naturally.

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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Views: 6054

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (77 voted)

Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.